Current turnaround times:

The turnaround times listed below are “best guess estimates”, and could vary depending on a number of factors.

  • Reel Cleaning & Repair: 8-10 weeks.
  • Simple Rod Repair (replacing guides, tips): 1-2 weeks.
  • Complex Rod Repairs (replacing grips, reel seat, customizations, etc) 2-3 weeks.
  • Vintage Restorations: 6+/- months.
  1. Unless your job has been in longer than what is listed above, please do not call asking status. We will let you know the minute your job is in process and the minute it is completed.
  2. All parts must be paid in advance. Balance of labor costs is due upon completed delivery.
  3. All vintage restorations must be paid in full in advance.
  4. Once completed, if pickup is to be longer than one week, an electronic invoice will be sent for immediate payment. Your rod/reel will be put into storage for 30 days. If after 30 days the rod/reel is not picked up, it will be sold due to abandonment.


February – September are our busiest months. The wait times are greater during these months. Our recommendation for general, yearly cleaning is to drop off your reels after your last fall fishing trip, preferably late October – February. The exception is if you have an emergency, such as a critical reel that needs immediate repair. We can usually make allowances for these..